Evolution is not a four letter word.

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  65 million years ago, a mass extinction event ended the reign of the dinosaurs. A little less than 65 million years ago, mammals could stay out in the sun and gorge themselves with less fear of predators. I guess you would stick around and eat a little more knowing this meal won’t be your last.  Evolution is easier to …

Does size matter, or does it antimatter?

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  Before you read this post, look at the link at the bottom of the page. The scale of the universe will open your mind to what you take for granted, or what you’ve never thought of before.  Now remember that both ends of the scale are from theory. Physicist can predict these things with mathematics. Their work is precise, …

My new Foundations

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  This weekend I helped my carpenter lay the concrete pad for the garage floor at my camp,(new home). Two small blemishes can be seen. One was caused by me, when the bull-float broke. (Not my fault, I swear.) The second was caused by the neighbor’s cat. Its prints could be traced from one end to the other. I felt …

Expanding my Platform

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  Speculating what the future might be like or could be like due to certain possible events, is basically what I did with my first two novels. You can read about my first novel “The Second Intelligent Species” by clicking the link.  My second novel deals with a possible food source needed to feed an overpopulated planet in the next …

Timeing is Everything!

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           “Soon technology will prevent this from occurring, until then don’t think it couldn’t.”  Please answer a question before you check out the link that inspired this post.  If a “Mass Extinction” sized comet or asteroid were discovered tomorrow, and we had a week to prepare for the inevitable impact, could we stop it? How about if we had a …

Lets all have a Star Party

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When was the last time you went outside in the dark and looked up? If you follow this blog, one thing I insist on, is that you look up more than you did before you started to follow my work. It’s not a high price to pay. Now if you live in an area flooded with artificial lights, your going …