Killing Your Babies

Dale Langlois Writing

Now, halfway through the first draft of “The Overview Effect: A New Perspective”, I realize I must delete nearly 5,000 words. New research, character growth, and a great deal of redundancy means I need to take a couple steps backward before I can take another forward. Some reviews from my self-published first novel said the book didn’t have structure or …

Marketing My Next Novel

Dale Langlois Writing

I have less than one year before I can retire and draw my pension and social security. Most would take advantage of an opportunity to leave work as early as possible. Of course, I am not like most people and have selfish reasons for staying another three years. Sure, it would behoove me to stay till sixty-five and get my …

The Better Bev Effect

Dale Langlois Uncategorized, Writing

Prologue: The Thinning A virus passed from vermin consumed by the poor killed even the rich. The plague knew no class, no occupation, no age. Bodies thrown into mass graves owned no personal markers. Those in charge at the moment decisions were made were soon dead leaving piles of rotting corpses along the roadside waiting for highway workers to pick …

Biggest honor of my writing carreer.

Dale Langlois Uncategorized, Writing

A few weeks ago we attended a jamboree for one of my wife’s relatives who is battling cancer. I donated a couple books for the Chinese auction. You buy tickets and put them in for a drawing. My wife’s niece’s daughter won one of my novels. Of course I signed both of them for the winners and then we went …

Turkey season

Dale Langlois Writing

I should be out in the spring woods trying to harvest a tom turkey on opening day, but here I sit banging on a keyboard instead of yelping and purring like a hen in heat. In my own defense, I just finished a midnight shift and am kinda tired. Too tired to get dressed and hike through the woods, but …

It’s about friggin time!

Dale Langlois Deep thoughts, Who is the Beave?, Writing

CreateSpace e-mail: Hello dale langlois, The physical proof of “The Second Intelligent Species”, Book #xxxxxxx, has been ordered. This is to notify you that the proof will ship within five days. Another notification email will be sent to you once the proof ships from our facility. Eight years ago I started something that changed my life. Why? I was home …

Experiencing Braxton Hicks Contractions

Dale Langlois Who is the Beave?, Writing

As every author knows, the most frightening part of the whole ordeal is making your thoughts public. You’ve done everything you know to make it the best you can. True criticism is received only after someone else other than friends read what you have written. For the whole life of your work, one person has loved it to the point it’s become a sign an obsessive …