Vision test

Dale Langlois Deep thoughts

This is going to be a fun test of your vision, I will ask questions and you can answer in your mind. I want to make an observation. I asked my wife how far in front of her vehicle does she look ahead. I ask you the same question. Her response didn’t surprise me, she is a terrible driver (I …

Recognizing the writing on the wall

Dale Langlois Deep thoughts

Yes, I wrote an apocalyptic novel, but never believed a scenario would come about where the survival skills in “The Second Intelligent Species” would ever be needed. This election year in the U.S. has made me rethink my thoughts. As a so called tree hugger by some at work, the environment is the most important reason I vote, because I …

Fishermen don’t lie

Dale Langlois Deep thoughts, nature

As usual, I write after midnight shifts. Why, and how will I do it after I retire? I still don’t have those answers. This morning’s topic is once again Climate Change. A friendly text discussion between me and a high school friend inspired me to think. I posted something with Al Gore in the photo knowing very well it would bring …

How does an election year affect what I post? Good question.

Dale Langlois Deep thoughts, Who is the Beave?

“Should I write about politics?” I asked myself. Beave said, “Yes, but be very careful.” I don’t always trust his decisions, especially when it comes to dealing with people. He’s okay at hunting camp or in the woods, or at a party, but his social skills need work.I did take his advice on this one, this one time. If anyone has …

Didn’t win the Powerball?

Dale Langlois Deep thoughts

The odds of winning the Powerball are astronomical. Talk in the lunchrooms the night of the drawing were of what to do with all that money when we win. Personal wants or needs could be satisfied with one year’s interest. Most mentioned donating large sums to one charity or another. Some envisioned sporting complexes for local communities with several ice …

We’re Still Just Animals

admin Deep thoughts

    Today at work one of the guys complained of back pain. Having gone through two discectomies myself with back Doctors, chiropractors and home remedies, I know his pain. So many people struggle with back pain, and it got me to thinking … why is back pain so rampant? I told my buddy, “It is because we used to be apes …

One of those who taught me.

admin Deep thoughts

One of the biggest distractions for a writer is Facebook. When we are having a problem finding our muse we look to our addictions. Today I found a photo of one of my science teachers from middle school. At that time every animal or plant got its nutrition from the sun, that is what he taught. It is what was …

Does this mean we are over the tipping point?

admin Deep thoughts, Who is the Beave?

Finally people are starting to see how our planet’s climate is changing and are starting to prepare for the inevitable. I guess that’s all we can do is adapt. Cities all over the world are discussing how to protect their citizens from extreme weather and high seas. Schools are reviewing drills not only for crazed maniacs but natural disasters. Why? Because lately, each is …

It’s about friggin time!

Dale Langlois Deep thoughts, Who is the Beave?, Writing

CreateSpace e-mail: Hello dale langlois, The physical proof of “The Second Intelligent Species”, Book #xxxxxxx, has been ordered. This is to notify you that the proof will ship within five days. Another notification email will be sent to you once the proof ships from our facility. Eight years ago I started something that changed my life. Why? I was home …