Little rewards/baby steps: healing!

Dale Langlois Uncategorized

This photo, taken weeks from the initial break, shows some of my self-imposed therapy. This little guy was my only catch that day, but I got to say I went brook trout fishing and… I did catch-and release a brook trout, mission accomplished. Great day. I’ve enjoyed my time off from work, and must admit the pain of loss isn’t …

One Door Closes; Another Opens

Dale Langlois Uncategorized

First of all, I want to thank everyone who helped me from the time I hit the ground, to those who will help me in the future. The guys at work, (Sci-Fi for the Working Guy beta readers many) proved why we call ourselves brothers. In the greatest pain of my short life so far, they held my hands and …

I love my Mom.

Dale Langlois Uncategorized

This post is about my Mom. July 10th she will turn 81. She is a fisher. I got my fisherman genes from her. Today we harvested enough fish for supper, no trophies for the wall. Mom didn’t care; she’s not that type of person. “Just enough for a taste.” She says. Her and I reminisced about fishing trips we’ve been …

Astronomical show of a lifetime!

Dale Langlois Uncategorized

I hope for clear skies the final day of May. There may or may not be the most spectacular celestial event witnessed by our generation. Have you seen a meteor storm? I’m not talking about the Germinids (Dec 14th), Leonids, (Nov 17th) or the Perseids (August 12th). These are all predictable showers. I have witnessed clear nights with 60 or …

What is art?

Dale Langlois Uncategorized

Is art only painting on duck cloth? Is art creating poetry that rhymes? How about creating a sonnet or a ditty? What about taking photos of nature or domestic life? Can a carpenter create art; can a gardner? I think art is in the creator. If an artist builds something few others would, isn’t he an artist? Isn’t nature the …

Why do I do what I do?

Dale Langlois Uncategorized

I spend my spare time, and some say I have too much of it, doing things other people never found an interest in. I like to go into the woods albeit most times on a side-by-side with my wife, or once in a while by myself on foot, but either way, I’m looking for treasures. The local fauna has always …

Why do you want to write? There’s no money in it!

Dale Langlois Uncategorized

Most questions posed to me: I can think out a reasonable answer, or within minutes, someone in the lunch room looks it up on google and we agree on the answer…because we found it on google. This one question baffles me only because I don’t have a clear answer, and I don’t think anyone who writes fiction does. Why would …

60 years old… Hum?

Dale Langlois Uncategorized

Tomorrow I reach a milestone in my personal life. Sixty orbits around our star. Like everyone one on this day in their life, I reflect. What have I done? What have I learned? What have I taught? What do I know at this stage of my life; what am I sure of? The first step of adulthood is to raise …

Have an adventure every day!

Dale Langlois Uncategorized

Sitting here enjoying the fruits of nature. Breaded chicken of the woods deep fried. How can anything taste bad when deep fried? I am a hunter gatherer and I apologize to nobody. Today my wife and I went fishing for about three hours. We released everything we caught due to lack of inches. Familiar? Not a failed day, but a …

An old dog can learn new tricks

Dale Langlois Uncategorized

As a boy growing up, most of my fishing was done from land and usually with worms or slugs I found under stones along the river bank.. The streams I fished could be jumped across in places. The Brook trout I brought back home for a winter’s treat were small. Milk cartons filled with water and brookies held a special …