Alpha team update.

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  The response from my Alpha team is more than I could have imagined. Not only have they read and liked the chapters I gave them, but many have asked me to step things up. Have I hooked them?
This is not a top secret document, so when a member is done reading, he might pass it on to another, or just leave it on the lunch table for anyone to pick up and read. I have added three more members to my Alpha team because of this.
Barry L.: a Southern Baptist who sports one hell of a beard.
Chris A.: knows about firemen (my protagonist was a fireman).
Mark G.: he’s to big to tell no.
I am surprised by how well the guys are working with me on this project.
I’ve heard it more than once, and it is the best compliment a reader can give an author: ‘I started reading it and couldn’t put it down.’ Kinda makes me tingle all over.
When I began this journey, I read that one should never self publish. With the changes in the industry, this idea is not as true as it was before E-books became as popular as they are today.
My goal is to be self published before this day next year, and I could never do it, if not for the help of the folks I write for. Thank you to my Alpha team.