Have you ever had writer’s block?

Dale Langlois Uncategorized

 Lately, my blog’s followings have suffered. I have learned that a blog unattended, is a blog not followed.
 Should I write just for the sake of writing? My heart says no.
 Things are moving along in the right direction, so why don’t I want to write?
 I have two interviews, soon to be posted in Pentalk Communities. http://pentalkcommunity.blogspot.com/
 I received an “Invitation only” invite to a book launching. http://www.curtstager.com/
 I guess the main reason I have temporary writer’s block is, I am waiting for word from a professional editor on my first 3000 words to my novel, “The Second Intelligent Species”. For the first time I will get the input I’ve been looking for. Should I continue or should I quit? I like to paint, I love nature, I am a pretty good woodsman. Should I pursue something else other than writing? My decisions are not hinging on this one editor’s opinions, but will be effected by them.
 I’m sure every aspiring author experiences these feelings of doubt. I will be patient and wait for this editor’s response. Eighty dollars is not much money to answer the question: “Am I doing it right?”
 Have you been there?