Have you ever had writer’s block?

Dale Langlois Uncategorized

 Lately, my blog’s followings have suffered. I have learned that a blog unattended, is a blog not followed. Should I write just for the sake of writing? My heart says no. Things are moving along in the right direction, so why don’t I want to write? I have two interviews, soon to be posted in Pentalk Communities. http://pentalkcommunity.blogspot.com/  I received an “Invitation only” …

The people of Japan are in our thoughts

admin Uncategorized

The disasters in Japan involve the whole world, not just one country. Not only do we send rescue teams, money and supplies, but we also send scientist who study the impact of the disaster.Preventing loss of life is the final goal. Learning how the Earth and its atmosphere works is the only way to limit the causalities. Sadly, the best …

The Meteorite Men must be jumping for joy.

admin Uncategorized

The price of found meteorites just went up. Check out this link: http://news.yahoo.com/s/nm/20110306/sc_nm/us_meteorites_life Now every cosmic find will be studied within a micro-inch of its life. Will our search for life on other planets stall while we turn our tunnel vision on meteorites? Obviously the cost of studying pieces of space which have already arrived on the planet is far smaller than gathering …