I must write.

admin Who is the Beave?

Once again I am pondering a career in writing. I prefer to be lazy and play poker online, but after many post about climate change, evolution and reality, I must write again. The United States of America does not understand how the universe works. I don’t get it all either, but must share what I do. This global warming/climate change …

New writing subject

admin Who is the Beave?

As I mentioned in my other blog I am changing writing subjects for the time being. Fall finds me in the woods taking part in most of the outdoor sports. I enjoy the taste of wild game and spend most of my free time chasing it. Seldom lucky, I eat a lot of hot dogs. Trapping, a dying skill is …

My most anticipated review soon to come.

Dale Langlois Who is the Beave?

One of the hardest things I found about writing a first novel was getting people to read your first drafts. How can one measure his skills or lack thereof if he doesn’t have Beta readers to tell him where mistakes have been made? I have my Alpha team, (several guys I thanked in the Acknowledgements) but first and known as my toughest …

Should I do it again?

Dale Langlois Who is the Beave?

http://ezinearticles.com/?The-Benefits-of-Having-More-Than-One-Book-to-Sell&id=5843174 The link above has inspired me to write about a dilemma that has been bugging me for some time now. As the title of this post ask, should I do it again? When “The Second Intelligent Species” was conceived, I had nothing better to do, being laid up and stuck inside due to back surgery. Today; here I sit …

What frightens you?

Dale Langlois Who is the Beave?

https://soundcloud.com/dale-langlois/the-second-intelligent-species Click on the link above to hear my first ever radio interview. As any writer knows, solitude is a comfortable companion. When I am in the public eye, The Beave runs and hides. I am on my own. It’s easy to see how nervous I am when you can clearly hear my voice shaking. Look how calm, (and even happy) …

Ice cream social

Dale Langlois Who is the Beave?

Recently, I was asked to do a signing as a local author to establish a new library in a tri town area. I accepted, although I would have to juggle sleep and work. As a newbie to the promoting part of this business, I explore every avenue. How can I turn down ice cream? When I asked why I was invited, …

Does this mean we are over the tipping point?

admin Deep thoughts, Who is the Beave?

Finally people are starting to see how our planet’s climate is changing and are starting to prepare for the inevitable. I guess that’s all we can do is adapt. Cities all over the world are discussing how to protect their citizens from extreme weather and high seas. Schools are reviewing drills not only for crazed maniacs but natural disasters. Why? Because lately, each is …

Ok, strike one. Try something else.

Dale Langlois Who is the Beave?

The tag word experiment achieved nothing. What next? I’ve decided to lower the price from $3.50 to $2.99. I write “Sci-Fi for The Working Guy”, and realize we are the ones who work hard for our money. Although I’m sure $.51 won’t break anybody, I feel readers will feel more comfortable paying less than $3.00. Again this is another experiment. …

Not giving up my day job…yet

Dale Langlois Who is the Beave?

One of my reviews said I shouldn’t quit my day job. I will be the first to agree with him. No first time author should expect to become an overnight success. Fame in the literary world is achieved only by stamina. One book: cool. Two books: Humm? Three books…Who is this writer again? I am still in the awe of …