‘The sky is falling, the sky is falling.’

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OK, some birds fell out of the sky, some fish died. Does this signal the end of the world? I think not. Check out the link, “Mass bird deaths…”.Natural phenomenon like these happen all the time. Until only recently we wouldn’t have heard about such things. The advent of modern cell phones has made the world a smaller place. What …

1-1-11 Does this date freak you out as much as it does me?

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  Everyone gets excited about the new year. Personally, my wife and I will be moving into our new home, (remodeled hunting camp). OK, its a Mancave; but don’t tell my wife. She doesn’t read this, so shush.  Scientist feel the same anticipation when it comes to receiving new data, leading to new discoveries, or proof that their theory’s are …

The Cyclical Earth in 2010.

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  Erosion: caused by weather and water, and the consequences of  tectonic plate movements, are the two primary  forces that have built the landscapes we enjoy everyday.  My wife and I flew over the Grand Canyon during our honeymoon. To me, it looked like a mammoth gravel pit with a stream running through it. Actually, its just that.  The great …

Twas the night before Christmas…

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  Twas the night before Christmas  I went out to the mall  There was hugging and kissing   “Hey give me a call”   People were smiling and laughing Each one was polite No drivers were honking It was different this night One guy waved me onThen I waved on twoActing patient and pleasantisn’t so hard to do I hope after Christmaswe act the same wayThe …

Controversy! You want controversy?

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  OK here it is.  I told you I talk to the guys at work. Last night shift, the conversation turned philosophical, as it usually does when I and my toughest critic Paul are in the same room. Some of the guys are Men of faith; Paul and I are Men of science. With the holiday season at our doorstep, …

Twas four nights before Christmas…

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  December 21st. There are plenty of things about Dec. 21st worthy of a spot on my calender.  The most important, and I don’t need a reminder for this one. My sister will turn one year older on that day. Please, if you get her a birthday gift; do not wrap it in Christmas paper.   Another thing about Dec. …

I’m a nature writer, damn it!

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  A good friend of mine said, “You look at the strangest things.” When I tell people that my genre is speculative sci-fi they immediately inquire what the aliens look like, or say something like ‘Oh, that space stuff with monsters or robots” Some day in a future work, I may use robots, but any aliens will be of the …

What intrigues you?

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  OK, now you know what floats my boat.  I need to know what kind of science or what type of science fiction you would like to read about. Just to warn you, I won’t write about anything that isn’t scientifically possible, I’ll research as much as I can to make the story believable. Realize, when I start dealing with …

We’re not all that special.

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  So, we’ve discovered a new life form. Not alien life from another planet, not intelligent life, but life different than anything we’ve ever known before. Some say “What’s the big deal? It’s just bacteria, more money wasted studying pond scum”.  “Life as we know it.” I’ve heard it a million times. Now I wonder what we’ll say when we …

Evolution is not a four letter word.

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  65 million years ago, a mass extinction event ended the reign of the dinosaurs. A little less than 65 million years ago, mammals could stay out in the sun and gorge themselves with less fear of predators. I guess you would stick around and eat a little more knowing this meal won’t be your last.  Evolution is easier to …