Didn’t win the Powerball?

Dale Langlois Deep thoughts

The odds of winning the Powerball are astronomical. Talk in the lunchrooms the night of the drawing were of what to do with all that money when we win. Personal wants or needs could be satisfied with one year’s interest. Most mentioned donating large sums to one charity or another. Some envisioned sporting complexes for local communities with several ice …

Why I Love Science

Dale Langlois Who is the Beave?

  When I was seven, we lived in a remodeled chicken coup. My parents paid twenty dollars a week for rent. One year after attending a book fair at my grade school, I begged them to let me join a book club where I would receive a book a month and a model of the lunar module. My uncle and …

Just a regular, working guy

Dale Langlois Who is the Beave?

  As you know I bounce weekly blogging ideas off my associates at work. I ask, “What do you want to know about?” I know nothing about the Ebola crisis; I don’t take political stands in public. So what do I know enough to write about? I love the natural sciences and like to educate people who might not be …

Past the totem pole, turn right…

Dale Langlois Who is the Beave?

Last weekend my wife Charlene and I went down to Blue Mountain to attend the Adirondack Center for Writing’s Literary Awards. Set in the middle of the Adirondack park, the venue couldn’t be more beautiful. Fifty one authors showed their work in front of some of the most skilled writers in New York State. Though my submission didn’t win, I did meet several …

Should I create another blog?

Dale Langlois Who is the Beave?

Last night I sat in the same stand I have three times in a row. This is against what I believe, but the beech nuts are dropping, and we did have a strong wind here last night. I knew the deer would be feeding on the abundance of mast. In fact I expected lots of other animal activity because of …

A different style of writing

Dale Langlois Outdoor adventures

Now that deer season has begun, my body will be making some changes. Hiking through the Adirondack woods will clear some of the cobwebs out of my body and mind. The area I hunt in is littered with large stones left by the last ice age. Twisting an ankle is a very real possibility. A mile back in the woods is …

Taking a sabbatical.

Dale Langlois Who is the Beave?

What is a Sabbatical? Many professionals like professors, teachers, doctors and writers take them to get away to do some kind of research pertaining to their field of study, or just to put all their effort into achieving a goal. Usually this break is followed by a publication of some sort. Before a request is made for paid Sabbatical Leave, a proposal for …

My most anticipated review soon to come.

Dale Langlois Who is the Beave?

One of the hardest things I found about writing a first novel was getting people to read your first drafts. How can one measure his skills or lack thereof if he doesn’t have Beta readers to tell him where mistakes have been made? I have my Alpha team, (several guys I thanked in the Acknowledgements) but first and known as my toughest …