Thanks for taking a look at this stale site during these times of boredom. I purchased the domain and all that legal stuff, so now is a great time to dust off the keyboard, (Facebook does that, but stay with me) and get some practice writing, so here goes.
I like most am sheltering in my home, washing my hands and social distancing as much as possible. I and my wife have been deemed Essential Personnel. I love titles. While home I have become more in touch with my self at the same time my empathy for the rest of the world has increased ten fold. I am feeling this phenomena isn’t affecting only me.
3/20/20 I created a Facebook page titled, “Covid 19 Art”. I have tried many different home remedies, but creating something others can enjoy is the one vice that truly heals the mind and soul. Let’s help avoid spreading this tiny germ, stay home and rediscover who you are. Reflect, adapt, breath. Peace and health to all.