My goal is to finish the last six chapters next week. I will send my final revised manuscript to my editor at: Waiting for her final advice will seem an eternity, but I’ve come this far. In future weeks after her responce, I will format the whole thing to an E-book. I will print some paperbacks and some hard covers for friends and signings. I wasn’t going to do hard cover, but several people have requested them, I may order a few; my Mom will get the first one. As for signings: I will wait and see how the finished product is accepted. If most think I should be committed to a home for the insane, then I may not plan too many. If the story is given good reviews, then I could burn a vacation on a local tour. My biggest fear is seeing my first reviews. I’m sure this is normal for every first time author. I have heard what my Alpha team has reported, but need to hear it from a stranger. I need to hear that someone “Get’s It”. It’s great to have friends enjoy your work, but I would love a stranger to enjoy my work, maybe even two. Not sure which will come out first, E-book or paperback. I hope you like the read.