Illusions of Grandeur

Dale Langlois Uncategorized

Some of you know and some of you don’t, I am working on another novel. 15,000 words into “The Better Bev Effect” and building. Why do I want to write another? Because I want to change the world. Because I am the only one who sees the stories I see in my dreaming mind. I’m the guy who ask: what …


Dale Langlois Uncategorized

Tomorrow is Feb 18th 2021. Why is that an eventful day? We: NASA/ the human species are placing yet another probe on the planet Mars. This one has a helicopter. The odds of success are about 60%. We are getting better at landing on dots in the Heavens. Math is our friend, you can’t argue logic. Some will say it …

The Zone

Dale Langlois Uncategorized

The time is 3:00 AM, I am at my keyboard thinking. I listen to classic rock with earbuds. This is when my awake mind connects with my dreaming mind and what I think is poetry comes out of my fingers. This is when I write best. Hey, it’s my dream. While watching some rock opera videos to get my self …

How would you deal with this?

Dale Langlois Uncategorized

I spend my share of time alone in the woods, but a few days a year, I share the experience with friends hunting whitetail in downstate N.Y.. Some of the guys have been taking the same trip for several years plus a decade without incident, bringing home venison and memories. This year’s experiences were in line with 2020. As usual …

Getting old, is in the observer

Dale Langlois Uncategorized

Glass ankles, atrophying muscles, common sense: I have the drive to go into the wild; other forces over-rule, so I go, only so deep. At what age does an adventurer limit his or her adventures? Runners, boxers, gymnast and fashion models all must retire or at least limit their passion to teaching, once the passion of youth wanes along with …


Dale Langlois Uncategorized

What you believe is not necessarily fact. What is fact? Fact is that 1+1 =2. No mathematician or scholar can argue that one fraction of truth. What is truth? Only fact is truth. The concept that, that statement is not arguable, is truth. One can only believe in truth or myth. So is the truth only digital, 0’s and 1s? …

The Better Bev Effect

Dale Langlois Uncategorized, Writing

Prologue: The Thinning A virus passed from vermin consumed by the poor killed even the rich. The plague knew no class, no occupation, no age. Bodies thrown into mass graves owned no personal markers. Those in charge at the moment decisions were made were soon dead leaving piles of rotting corpses along the roadside waiting for highway workers to pick …

Biggest honor of my writing carreer.

Dale Langlois Uncategorized, Writing

A few weeks ago we attended a jamboree for one of my wife’s relatives who is battling cancer. I donated a couple books for the Chinese auction. You buy tickets and put them in for a drawing. My wife’s niece’s daughter won one of my novels. Of course I signed both of them for the winners and then we went …

Going on a trip, you’re coming with me.

Dale Langlois Uncategorized

Talk about a crossroads. Less than a month to go before the U.S. is led by a leader few really wanted. No matter who takes the prize or how he or she got there won’t matter. Our new leader will be hated by half the country and most of the world. You bet, things are going to change. I won’t …

My introduction to the world.

Dale Langlois Uncategorized

When I conceived the theme of my novel, and the story developed, the idea of selling it never came to mind. I am at the stage where the creating process is nearing an end. My edits will be done this week.More than once I have been called an author. Other times I struggled to find even one friend who would call me a writer. What difference does it make? …