One week report

Dale Langlois Who is the Beave?

I have spread my seeds of science all over the world. During a three day promotion 2126 people downloaded my novel and are now reading it. Over one hundred people in England have it in e-book form. I have received two reviews from the pro-mo, both good, and the butterflies are resting. Two signings in the local library brought out …

A fork in the road

Dale Langlois Who is the Beave?

Went through my first signing this weekend. The turnout was great, even though the police weren’t called to direct traffic. Family and friends showed up to support me and my book. Those who had already read it had nothing but good to say about the story. One question that kept coming up was, am I going to do this again. Becoming …

It’s about friggin time!

Dale Langlois Deep thoughts, Who is the Beave?, Writing

CreateSpace e-mail: Hello dale langlois, The physical proof of “The Second Intelligent Species”, Book #xxxxxxx, has been ordered. This is to notify you that the proof will ship within five days. Another notification email will be sent to you once the proof ships from our facility. Eight years ago I started something that changed my life. Why? I was home …

Experiencing Braxton Hicks Contractions

Dale Langlois Who is the Beave?, Writing

As every author knows, the most frightening part of the whole ordeal is making your thoughts public. You’ve done everything you know to make it the best you can. True criticism is received only after someone else other than friends read what you have written. For the whole life of your work, one person has loved it to the point it’s become a sign an obsessive …