Learning book promotion 101

Dale Langlois Who is the Beave?

I thought about promoting this on video live and posting it on you-tube as a trailer to my book. Things don’t always work out, and to think twice about it this is a personal thing. An achievement and the self acknowledgement of it. Patting myself on the back again. This promotion idea didn’t go off as planned, but others did. Giving …

Ok, strike one. Try something else.

Dale Langlois Who is the Beave?

The tag word experiment achieved nothing. What next? I’ve decided to lower the price from $3.50 to $2.99. I write “Sci-Fi for The Working Guy”, and realize we are the ones who work hard for our money. Although I’m sure $.51 won’t break anybody, I feel readers will feel more comfortable paying less than $3.00. Again this is another experiment. …

Free Science Fiction Sex

Dale Langlois Who is the Beave?

I want to apologize for this bait and switch blog, but as an amateur scientist, I am doing an experiment. I am watching to see how important some tag words are when it comes to daily views. I am in the promotional stage of this project and am still learning. Every day I accomplish something new, even if it’s just …

One week report

Dale Langlois Who is the Beave?

I have spread my seeds of science all over the world. During a three day promotion 2126 people downloaded my novel and are now reading it. Over one hundred people in England have it in e-book form. I have received two reviews from the pro-mo, both good, and the butterflies are resting. Two signings in the local library brought out …