At the age of fifty five, one tends to think of where they want to be at the age of seventy five. I already know I live in my last permanent structure, the hunting camp I turned into a home for my wife Charlene and all family and friends to enjoy.
I live where I always went to get away from it all.
What am I going to do now that I am here?
Writing is important to me and the venue couldn’t be more perfect. There are ten thousand acres all around me that I can play in. I know where the animals live and can get photos from game cams like this. I will be teaching trapping for New York State.
What makes you happy? That is the question a fifty five year old guy will ask himself. Teaching, writing, animals, nature. I am in heaven. Now to take advantage of it as much as I can till I die. To teach what I love, that is happiness.
Write what you know.