Learning book promotion 101

Dale Langlois Who is the Beave?

I thought about promoting this on video live and posting it on you-tube as a trailer to my book. Things don’t always work out, and to think twice about it this is a personal thing. An achievement and the self acknowledgement of it. Patting myself on the back again.
This promotion idea didn’t go off as planned, but others did.
Giving away five autographed paperbacks on Goodreads drew in 498 new viewers and maybe a review or two.
Most importantly of all here is a list of the winners.

Pablo Lasha from Oregon.
Martha Rasmussen from Utah
Angel VanGulik from Colorado
Stephanie Galbraith from California
Diana Senn from Oregon.
Your books are in the mail and I hope you like the story.
A one day, ten dollar budget advertisement on Facebook had a reach of over 30,000 people.
I am still learning at fifty-two, and am okay with that.