I’ve learned from my kids

Dale Langlois Who is the Beave?

This morning I took my son Chris to get his tonsils out. He should never have a sore throat again.
On the way home I stopped at the local library to talk about my first book signing. Who in the heck am I to be doing book signings? Well, I guess because I wrote a book, I have the right to sign them when I sell them. And what better place to sell books than a place people go to read them; I plan on going to book stores to do signings too.
Lately even my bank, insurance company and the local hospital has seen my baby. How can I leave it in the truck?
Now can anyone tell me about the etiquette needed at a book signing? I have been to a few, but none have been the same. What should I wear? How should I present my baby? What candies should I put in my candy bowl?
I plan on just sitting there answering questions as they are asked.
“Be yourself,”is the best advice I’ve been given. One thing my daughter AJ taught me is don’t be afraid to be yourself.
My first signing is at the Malone Library Friday March 15th 6:00-8:00.
My second is Saturday March 16th 1:00 -3:00.
As for Chris,even though he couldn’t talk, he told his grandmother he loved her. Luckily he is fluent enough in sign language make himself understood. He taught me people can do what others think they can’t.
See you in March.