I need your help.

Dale Langlois Uncategorized

You who know me, realize I can’t spend the whole month of May without working in the yard, or making an honest attempt at a fresh walleye or turkey supper. Spending time out doors takes away from my writing. Today it is raining; I have the time, but not the inspiration. The chapter I am working on is easy enough, but I can’t seem to find the push to go over the same material I have looked at a hundred times or more. What I’m asking you to do is to read a few of my past blog post, and comment on them. This interaction will make me understand why I am writing. I guess I just like people to look at my ideas and give me some sort of silent applause. Hey, everyone likes attention; this is the best way I know to get my share. Revision update: working on chapter 25. Just approved final design of paper posters and erasable signing announcement posters. Ordering promotional things like cards and posters is all part of the business, (and the most fun) but the writing still needs to be done. Here is where I’m struggling. I don’t want to push back my self imposed deadline. I need a good kick in the butt. I’m bending over… now give it to me!