I Love the Seasons

Dale Langlois Who is the Beave?

I hear friends and relatives complain about the first snow.

First snow is the beginning of but one season; same as corn poking its first green through warming Spring soil is another sign of change for me personally.

Harvest time is my favorite season. Deer hunting season, fishing season, morel mushroom, bear and turkey season: the list goes on and on for an outdoorsman who cherishes the hunt and preparation of wild foods.

Each season begins with anticipation, each ends with facing lost expectations. A big buck missed, unfilled tags, empty spots in the freezer. Isn’t the thrill of looking forward to new adventures and meals with family celebrating another successful season what it is all about? Anticipated harvest: success isn’t measured in pounds of vittles.

Break your life down into seasons, goals to achieve. Take them one at a time and never dwell on failures, but learn from them and laugh at them as long as no real harm was done in the process.

It’s all about the process, it’s all about the season at hand.