Getting my hands dirty

Dale Langlois Uncategorized

My writing experiences have been mostly solitary up until today. I have been asked to be on the Steering Committee for a new on line writers community called Pentalk (Thank you Linda). I gladly accepted and look forward to a new level of my “Hobby”. I’m sure it can be a terrific way to network, and will help me improve my skills.
In the writing business it is vital to get to know as many people as one can, word of mouth is worth as much here as anywhere else. An author you meet at a workshop could be a stepping stone to an agent at a future time. Just like a politician we writers need to press the flesh.
I was flattered to be asked to participate with this up and coming aid to writers. I can see good things for this site in the future. Although I am yet unpublished, I feel I can add to the site because some of the questions I am asking are the same ones the readers are asking. Other readers will pass along their experiences. “Been there done that,” they’ll write “here’s how.” This give and take will be what draws people into this site.
If you’ve ever wondered what it takes to write, check out the first link at the bottom of this page.