Writing for my target market.

Dale Langlois Uncategorized

In viewing my stats, I noticed when I write for the guys at work, my viewings increase. Could it be I do write sci-fi for the working guy? If so, then I should ask them to follow my blog. Many of them said they couldn’t post. Here’s how: You have to have a profile set up to one of your …

The Alpha Team

Dale Langlois Uncategorized

As most of you know, I write Sci-fi for the working guy. Meaning only, I write for the guys I work with. They are the ones who listen to me ramble about science what ifs. I remember the day I concieved the idea for my novel. John H., Jon W. and I were in #5 cubicle enjoying a very deseved break.Taking …

Finnally found my spell checker. Woo Hoo.

Dale Langlois Uncategorized

One more call with my editor and I start the second or third to last, last, last revision of “The Second Intelligent Species”. She said I needed structure to hold my readers. I think I’ve found it. I will need the help of several experts in their fields. Some fields will hold Amish farmers. Others who study nature like I …

Wanted: self disapline.

Dale Langlois Uncategorized

The following are the reasons I have not been writing:1) Now that summer is here, I have so much work to do, I haven’t the time.2) When I get home from work I’m too tired to write.3) The beer is too cold and there is too much of it.4) My new laptop is difficult to operate.5) My brain hurts.  It’s easy …

Would you read more?

Dale Langlois Uncategorized

 “The Last Act of Humanity”  By Dale Langlois Foreword      The World’s population approached the ten billion mark. The destruction of low lying cities along the coasts of every continent pushed civilization inland, taking up valuable farmland. Global flooding destroyed another third of the planet’s fertile soil. Famine plagued all nations.      When the true effects of our carbon foot …

In responce to an editor

Dale Langlois Uncategorized

     My novel’s title has changed several times since it’s conception. First it was“The End of Holocene Epoch”, That changed to “The End of The AnthropoceneEpoch”, then with the sub title “The Cyclical Earth”. On to “The SecondIntelligent Species”. I now introduce the last title it will go by,(unless apublisher suggest something else) “The Last Act Of Humanity”.     The editor …

Have you ever had writer’s block?

Dale Langlois Uncategorized

 Lately, my blog’s followings have suffered. I have learned that a blog unattended, is a blog not followed. Should I write just for the sake of writing? My heart says no. Things are moving along in the right direction, so why don’t I want to write? I have two interviews, soon to be posted in Pentalk Communities. http://pentalkcommunity.blogspot.com/  I received an “Invitation only” …

OK, I’ve got the BULL, now what do I do?

Dale Langlois Uncategorized

I’ve contacted a proven author of two books, and he’s agreed to give an interview. Questions have been asked, answers have been given. Just send it to my editor and simple as a pimple, I’m a journalist. (I am doing an interview—JOURNALIST). Don’t burst my bubble. Anyhow, being a novice to the language of the PC, I couldn’t open his response to …

Grab the bull by the horns!

Dale Langlois Uncategorized

  When my daughter A.J. was having problems in English class, I told her, “Bafel-em with bullshit”. What I meant at that time was to make her stories more colorful, more believable. Apparently I have the gift of Bullshit. According to the guys at work, I’m full of it. Like a farmer, I do like spreading it.  More than once …