The Better Bev Effect

Dale Langlois Uncategorized, Writing

Prologue: The Thinning A virus passed from vermin consumed by the poor killed even the rich. The plague knew no class, no occupation, no age. Bodies thrown into mass graves owned no personal markers. Those in charge at the moment decisions were made were soon dead leaving piles of rotting corpses along the roadside waiting for highway workers to pick …

Biggest honor of my writing carreer.

Dale Langlois Uncategorized, Writing

A few weeks ago we attended a jamboree for one of my wife’s relatives who is battling cancer. I donated a couple books for the Chinese auction. You buy tickets and put them in for a drawing. My wife’s niece’s daughter won one of my novels. Of course I signed both of them for the winners and then we went …

Planning for retirement

Dale Langlois Who is the Beave?

At the age of fifty five, one tends to think of where they want to be at the age of seventy five. I already know I live in my last permanent structure, the hunting camp I turned into a home for my wife Charlene and all family and friends to enjoy. I live where I always went to get away …

Going on a trip, you’re coming with me.

Dale Langlois Uncategorized

Talk about a crossroads. Less than a month to go before the U.S. is led by a leader few really wanted. No matter who takes the prize or how he or she got there won’t matter. Our new leader will be hated by half the country and most of the world. You bet, things are going to change. I won’t …

Vision test

Dale Langlois Deep thoughts

This is going to be a fun test of your vision, I will ask questions and you can answer in your mind. I want to make an observation. I asked my wife how far in front of her vehicle does she look ahead. I ask you the same question. Her response didn’t surprise me, she is a terrible driver (I …

Recognizing the writing on the wall

Dale Langlois Deep thoughts

Yes, I wrote an apocalyptic novel, but never believed a scenario would come about where the survival skills in “The Second Intelligent Species” would ever be needed. This election year in the U.S. has made me rethink my thoughts. As a so called tree hugger by some at work, the environment is the most important reason I vote, because I …

Fishermen don’t lie

Dale Langlois Deep thoughts, nature

As usual, I write after midnight shifts. Why, and how will I do it after I retire? I still don’t have those answers. This morning’s topic is once again Climate Change. A friendly text discussion between me and a high school friend inspired me to think. I posted something with Al Gore in the photo knowing very well it would bring …

How does an election year affect what I post? Good question.

Dale Langlois Deep thoughts, Who is the Beave?

“Should I write about politics?” I asked myself. Beave said, “Yes, but be very careful.” I don’t always trust his decisions, especially when it comes to dealing with people. He’s okay at hunting camp or in the woods, or at a party, but his social skills need work.I did take his advice on this one, this one time. If anyone has …

The Dark Side Of the Moon

Dale Langlois Looking up

Finally winter is here. Old bones aren’t ashamed to sit next to the fire. So what can I do to challenge myself and pass the time, but be productive? “Get back to the keyboard Beave” I told myself. “Use that new website you paid good money for and claimed on last year’s taxes.” So this is why I am posting, …