11/11/11 …Yea…OK?

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November eleventh, in the year of our Lord two thousand eleven. As a follower of science I am not too worried that today or any other predicted dooms day date can be forcast without solid proof. One might predict exactly when a comet might hit the earth,  or tell when the energy from a gamma ray burst will reach the …

Fifty years of reflection

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Fifty four years to the day, the Russians launched Sputnik.On July 20th, 1969, my family and the world witnessed Neil Armstrong and Edwin “Buzz” Aldrin make the first foot prints on the moon. At the time we (the human species) weren’t sure if the moon’s crust could even be walked on. Today we know the satellite we thought was a …

Self promotion: sometimes it has to be done.

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Now that I have you here, I want to show you what my book is about. I hope that showing these links doesn’t wind me up in court, but they show exactly what I am trying to do. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ssC7znywJSo&feature=share “The Second Intelligent Species” is about a couple who experience a mass extinction event just like this one, except nobody knew it was …

Zombie Land

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Once again I find myself pulling my thirty six hours of night shift. A weekend in Zombie Land.   As always, we who must endure sleepless nights followed often by sleepless days, learn to take advantages of any entertainment offered: be it a practical joke, a good lunch packed by a loved one, or a celestrial cornucopia served throughout the summer evenings.    A …

Mirror image handwriting.

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When I was in my early twenties I learned I had an unusual gift: the ability to write cursive with my non-dominant hand in mirror image at the same time as I wrote normally with my right. It wasn’t until middle age did I find out just how few people can do that.   One of the most famous people I discovered who …

Does anyone give a shit what it’s called, or does anyone give a shit?

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Global Warming, Climate Change, Mass Extinction: no matter the title given to the storm, the shit’s gonna hit the fan. http://news.yahoo.com/s/nm/20110621/sc_nm/us_oceansSome reject any and all evidence put forth by climatologist. The idea that climate change can be observed in a lifetime is unheard of in geological time scales. Anyone over thirty can see the changes. One generation observing changes in the …

How a science fiction writer thinks

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 The subtitle for this blog is sci fi for the working guy. I try to take the most recent news about science and talk about it so the guys at work can relate to it. Let’s face it, few people follow news about super colliders or new discoveries in space. While they are interested in sports, politics or union matters, …

The people of Japan are in our thoughts

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The disasters in Japan involve the whole world, not just one country. Not only do we send rescue teams, money and supplies, but we also send scientist who study the impact of the disaster.Preventing loss of life is the final goal. Learning how the Earth and its atmosphere works is the only way to limit the causalities. Sadly, the best …

The Meteorite Men must be jumping for joy.

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The price of found meteorites just went up. Check out this link: http://news.yahoo.com/s/nm/20110306/sc_nm/us_meteorites_life Now every cosmic find will be studied within a micro-inch of its life. Will our search for life on other planets stall while we turn our tunnel vision on meteorites? Obviously the cost of studying pieces of space which have already arrived on the planet is far smaller than gathering …

Something to think about

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  Just what if we do find other life in our solar system, or other intelligent life orbiting around a star, many light years away? How would that change your view of who we are as a species? Take a look at some of the estimated numbers on this link: http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20110220/ap_on_sc/us_sci_cosmic_census   Our description of the universe as we know …