A fork in the road

Dale Langlois Who is the Beave?

Went through my first signing this weekend. The turnout was great, even though the police weren’t called to direct traffic. Family and friends showed up to support me and my book. Those who had already read it had nothing but good to say about the story.
One question that kept coming up was, am I going to do this again. Becoming a full time writer and holding a forty hour a week job is a big commitment. As long as I can keep deadlines at a minumum, I may do it. People like my writing and want more. It is a lot of work and I am known for lazyness.
My fishing boat is getting rusty not being used, and I am getting out of shape cause I spend all my time in front of the computer.
Another writer said it is now my duty to give my fans more. I can make a sequal to this book, but am 8000 words into the next one totally unrelated. Taking some time to think about it. The title of the next one is “The Harvest of Jupiter II”, maybe I’ll give it another look.
I thank everyone for their support. I hope you enjoy the read.