Killing Your Babies

Dale Langlois Writing

Now, halfway through the first draft of “The Overview Effect: A New Perspective”, I realize I must delete nearly 5,000 words. New research, character growth, and a great deal of redundancy means I need to take a couple steps backward before I can take another forward. Some reviews from my self-published first novel said the book didn’t have structure or …

Marketing My Next Novel

Dale Langlois Writing

I have less than one year before I can retire and draw my pension and social security. Most would take advantage of an opportunity to leave work as early as possible. Of course, I am not like most people and have selfish reasons for staying another three years. Sure, it would behoove me to stay till sixty-five and get my …

I love my Mom.

Dale Langlois Uncategorized

This post is about my Mom. July 10th she will turn 81. She is a fisher. I got my fisherman genes from her. Today we harvested enough fish for supper, no trophies for the wall. Mom didn’t care; she’s not that type of person. “Just enough for a taste.” She says. Her and I reminisced about fishing trips we’ve been …

Astronomical show of a lifetime!

Dale Langlois Uncategorized

I hope for clear skies the final day of May. There may or may not be the most spectacular celestial event witnessed by our generation. Have you seen a meteor storm? I’m not talking about the Germinids (Dec 14th), Leonids, (Nov 17th) or the Perseids (August 12th). These are all predictable showers. I have witnessed clear nights with 60 or …

What is art?

Dale Langlois Uncategorized

Is art only painting on duck cloth? Is art creating poetry that rhymes? How about creating a sonnet or a ditty? What about taking photos of nature or domestic life? Can a carpenter create art; can a gardner? I think art is in the creator. If an artist builds something few others would, isn’t he an artist? Isn’t nature the …

Why do I do what I do?

Dale Langlois Uncategorized

I spend my spare time, and some say I have too much of it, doing things other people never found an interest in. I like to go into the woods albeit most times on a side-by-side with my wife, or once in a while by myself on foot, but either way, I’m looking for treasures. The local fauna has always …