“namdaM a fo yraiD”

admin Who is the Beave?

“What to Hell does this mean?” you ask. This is the tentative title of my next book. “Why is the title written backwards in mirror image?” Because I can write mirror image and always wondered how I could make a buck on such a strange bar-room trick. Now I think I have found a way. I have a story about a …

Past the totem pole, turn right…

Dale Langlois Who is the Beave?

Last weekend my wife Charlene and I went down to Blue Mountain to attend the Adirondack Center for Writing’s Literary Awards. Set in the middle of the Adirondack park, the venue couldn’t be more beautiful. Fifty one authors showed their work in front of some of the most skilled writers in New York State. Though my submission didn’t win, I did meet several …

I must write.

admin Who is the Beave?

Once again I am pondering a career in writing. I prefer to be lazy and play poker online, but after many post about climate change, evolution and reality, I must write again. The United States of America does not understand how the universe works. I don’t get it all either, but must share what I do. This global warming/climate change …