Free Science Fiction Sex

Dale Langlois Who is the Beave?

I want to apologize for this bait and switch blog, but as an amateur scientist, I am doing an experiment. I am watching to see how important some tag words are when it comes to daily views. I am in the promotional stage of this project and am still learning. Every day I accomplish something new, even if it’s just …

Not giving up my day job…yet

Dale Langlois Who is the Beave?

One of my reviews said I shouldn’t quit my day job. I will be the first to agree with him. No first time author should expect to become an overnight success. Fame in the literary world is achieved only by stamina. One book: cool. Two books: Humm? Three books…Who is this writer again? I am still in the awe of …

Turkey season

Dale Langlois Writing

I should be out in the spring woods trying to harvest a tom turkey on opening day, but here I sit banging on a keyboard instead of yelping and purring like a hen in heat. In my own defense, I just finished a midnight shift and am kinda tired. Too tired to get dressed and hike through the woods, but …