Writing for my target market.

Dale Langlois Uncategorized

In viewing my stats, I noticed when I write for the guys at work, my viewings increase. Could it be I do write sci-fi for the working guy? If so, then I should ask them to follow my blog. Many of them said they couldn’t post. Here’s how: You have to have a profile set up to one of your …

The Alpha Team

Dale Langlois Uncategorized

As most of you know, I write Sci-fi for the working guy. Meaning only, I write for the guys I work with. They are the ones who listen to me ramble about science what ifs. I remember the day I concieved the idea for my novel. John H., Jon W. and I were in #5 cubicle enjoying a very deseved break.Taking …

11/11/11 …Yea…OK?

admin Uncategorized

November eleventh, in the year of our Lord two thousand eleven. As a follower of science I am not too worried that today or any other predicted dooms day date can be forcast without solid proof. One might predict exactly when a comet might hit the earth,  or tell when the energy from a gamma ray burst will reach the …