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Dale Langlois Uncategorized

 “The Last Act of Humanity”  By Dale Langlois Foreword      The World’s population approached the ten billion mark. The destruction of low lying cities along the coasts of every continent pushed civilization inland, taking up valuable farmland. Global flooding destroyed another third of the planet’s fertile soil. Famine plagued all nations.      When the true effects of our carbon foot …

In responce to an editor

Dale Langlois Uncategorized

     My novel’s title has changed several times since it’s conception. First it was“The End of Holocene Epoch”, That changed to “The End of The AnthropoceneEpoch”, then with the sub title “The Cyclical Earth”. On to “The SecondIntelligent Species”. I now introduce the last title it will go by,(unless apublisher suggest something else) “The Last Act Of Humanity”.     The editor …