Who doesn’t like science?

admin Uncategorized

  It amazes me that the youths of today don’t find science interesting. How can children not be curious about their surroundings? A toddler’s first sentence is very often, ‘What’s that?’ and they will point at everything they come across, until the cute game becomes quite annoying. At what age does our thirst for knowledge fade? Does it vanish, or is …

Mammoth meat, the new beef.

admin Uncategorized

 Read the link.   I think this is a good idea. Think about it; WOOLLY Mammoths are covered with what must be wool. Think of all those poor sheep that freeze to death after being sheared. One mammoth could save the lives of several sheep. The meat alone could solve the the problem of famine all over the planet. And those …

Time to get some attention.

Dale Langlois Uncategorized

  Until now I haven’t contributed much to this blog, I think some of the followers of my other blog don’t even know this one exist. Now I must make it interesting. My other attempt deals mostly with science and nature news, and my take on it. This blog is going to be about my writing experiences, as well as …

Dealing with rejection…NEXT!

admin Uncategorized

  Today’s post has nothing to do with science or nature.  This morning I received yet another rejection, or realized I misinterpreted a kind gesture; again my expectations were higher than they should have been. Either way it feels like a kick in the stones. As I sat and thought about how I felt and what I should do, it …

‘The sky is falling, the sky is falling.’

admin Uncategorized

OK, some birds fell out of the sky, some fish died. Does this signal the end of the world? I think not. Check out the link, “Mass bird deaths…”.Natural phenomenon like these happen all the time. Until only recently we wouldn’t have heard about such things. The advent of modern cell phones has made the world a smaller place. What …

1-1-11 Does this date freak you out as much as it does me?

admin Uncategorized

  Everyone gets excited about the new year. Personally, my wife and I will be moving into our new home, (remodeled hunting camp). OK, its a Mancave; but don’t tell my wife. She doesn’t read this, so shush.  Scientist feel the same anticipation when it comes to receiving new data, leading to new discoveries, or proof that their theory’s are …