The Price of Exploration

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Imagine you have been selected as a candidate for a one way trip to Mars. Your name will be forever immortalized in the history books of both planets. Because of your selfless sacrifice, the human species will continue to exist and evolve should a catastrophic event make one planet inhospitable for life. Its always a good idea to have a …

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Dale Langlois Uncategorized

NICK and BETH want for nothing except more time together. Nature deals the Earth a blow leaving them alone in a world not seen for sixty five million years. Most of Man’s creations and luxuries are reduced to charred rubble.The Earth has been cleansed by fire. The sun is obscured, making day indistinguishable from night.Man’s cruelty in times of disaster …

500th new planet.

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Can you believe it? I remember when there were only Nine of them. At least there was when I was in high school. Yes now there are eight with the reclassification of Pluto; eight that orbit around our star we call the Sun. Now remember the moons that orbit those planets. There are over one hundred and fifty, with Jujpiter …

No longer alone.

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Since first setting up this site, a lot of things have happened. The group at the college turned out to be The Adirondack center for writing. Over the last year, I have attended several workshops in the Adirondacks; you couldn’t ask for more beautiful venues. I’ve been to conferences where literary agents and authors teach how to improve the art …